Saturday, January 12, 2013


Recently, Anglophone Cameroon’s social atmosphere has been bombarded with zillions of ‘entertainers’, with most of them having unbounded hopes about their future. Be it in spheres of music, movies, fashion, comedy or dance, one realizes that their alacrity to indulge in these fields is not only backed by their talent or know-how, but by the immensity of their amateurism. 

I am not saying there are no professional entertainers in English Cameroon, for that will be a fallible purview. However, with the blatant mishmash of obstreperous ‘entertainers’ who consistently rely on the same antediluvian schemes which help in creating an environment of social apathy, I have no option but to point out their abysmal activities which continue to stench with pernicious results.

Being someone who has the industry at heart, I can’t grapple with the fact that the multitude of ‘entertainers’ have resolved to absolute denigration of the very ethics that bind the social communion of intellectual entertainment. It’s usual to see these very novices make much ado about nothing as they portray a social sanctimonious depiction of themselves, littered with abortive attempts at being successful.

Today, movies are made for the sake of fame, music is sung with a pathological indifference to professionalism and comedy has now become the antithesis of quality entertainment. The fate of the industry remains at the same level due to the actions of some execrable promoters who propitiate by a load of hogwash publicity.

The amorphous nature of our industry reflects in the aloof nature of the public as they shy away from entertainment events. I am calling on a massive extradition of all these social novices who continue to abhor the need for professionalism. We need to promote those who through constant polymorphous research have enlightened themselves and the industry as a whole. Only then can we reap from the splendour of our actions.     


  1. All this big English no di help pass the message across. Is the essence of this article to pass a message across or to impress people with your language??

    1. Thanks for being overwhelmed by my language. Hope you got the message, and the fact that I write with style.

  2. I'm taken aback by the rather obliterate view of some who to me fit - however tightly - the atmosphere of the description of the entertainment industry that has so vividly been depicted by the artist - you. In many ways I empathize with your indignation. But realism must be made of your lecture on the PSA - present state of affairs - in the light of future aspirations. It's one thing wishing for more than is being provided at moment and another thing to provide routes to the emergence of a profession, well trained and steam-geared industry. To this end, you must as well understand - assuming you know already - that 90% of all businesses - whatever industry they find themselves in - fail after their first five (5) year - and the industry is yet to boast of that age. And that 90% of the remaining 10% fail after the next five (5) years - to say that those that matter in the industry would shine through to at least the next five years - and possibly beyond. Give time to time its time!!!

  3. i love you analysis,makes perfect sense
